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Polishing the inner hole of the hot runner splitter plate is an important processing process

Publisher: Administrator Date: 2023-11-02

Hot runner molds have many advantages such as short molding cycle, saving raw materials, and being conducive to automation. However, if quality control is not good, there are also many problems, such as complex hot runner structures causing polishing difficulties, affecting the aesthetics of injection molded parts, and surface smoothness

The polishing of the inner hole of the hot runner splitter plate is an important processing process, especially for sharp knife marks at the corners. When molten plastic flows through the nozzle body cavity, no adhesive residue is allowed. If the runner cavity is not smooth, the plastic can easily adhere to the wall of the runner hole. After prolonged heating, the plastic is prone to deterioration or yellowing and blackening, and over time, it will flow into the product along with other plastics, This forms a scrapped product.

Therefore, in order to prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to cast the inner cavity of the flow channel like a mirror, so that the plastic cannot adhere, so as to ensure that the plastic will not deteriorate during the process of flowing through the nozzle, and achieve qualified plastic products. If not handled properly, it will lead to black spots, flow patterns, etc. in plastic products. Polishing the inner holes of the hot runner is a step in the hot runner processing process, which is related to the success or failure of the transparent thin-walled parts hot runner system.

How to quickly, efficiently, and precisely polish has become one of the core goals for many hot runner production enterprises to enhance their competitiveness. In order to maintain the overall precision of the hot runner mold, abrasive flow machining is required to complete the polishing process. The hot runner inner hole polishing equipment utilizes flexible fluid abrasives to squeeze into the hot runner inner hole for flow polishing operations. The equipment adopts flow mechanics, coupled with polymer elastic fluid grinding, and hydraulic power to allow polymer grinding abrasives to flow through the surface of the inner cavity of the workpiece that needs to be polished, achieving a deburring and polishing effect.

The hot runner plate after abrasive flow polishing has very little tolerance impact, 1-3 pieces μ The loss between. Due to the expandability of polymer soft abrasives under pressure, the polishing effect is very uniform and the deburring is completely smooth. The abrasive flow of the hot runner system directly doubles the polishing efficiency for the hot runner plate polishing. Even in the face of various large and oversized hot runners, high-pressure abrasive flow polishing equipment can still polish ultra long inner holes to the desired effect.

Dongguan Haochen Hot Runner Technology Co., Ltd
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Email: sales@zzyjg.com
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Address: No. 11 Zhenlang Road, Wusha Caiwu Industrial Second Road, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City

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