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Problems that are easily overlooked in the maintenance of injection molding molds

Publisher: Administrator Date: 2023-11-02

1. Check for signs of wear between the guide pillar and guide sleeve after injection molding work - look for scratches or scratches, which are caused by a lack of lubrication. If the marks are just emerging, you can also extend their lifespan by adding more lubrication to the guide pillar and guide sleeve. If the wear is already severe, it is time to replace the parts with new ones. Otherwise, the cavity and core parts may not fit well, resulting in uneven thickness of the component cavity walls.

2. Check the water flow situation of the injection molding mold - connect a hose at the outlet of the water channel to allow water to be left in the bucket through the hose. If the flowing water is not clear or has color, rust may occur, and a blocked water flow indicates a blockage in a certain area. If these problems are found, drill through all the water pipes again to ensure smooth flow (or use any method you commonly use for cleaning). Improving the water treatment system of the factory can prevent future problems caused by rust and blockage.

3. Cleaning the thimble - After a year, the thimble will become very dirty due to gas accumulation and membrane like impurities. It is recommended to thoroughly clean the mold with a mold cleaner every six to twelve months. After cleaning, apply a layer of lubricant to the thimble to prevent scratches or fractures.

4. Check if there are any fractures in the radius area of the hot nozzle - the fractures are caused by the clamping force brought by loose and hardened plastic fragments remaining in the machine's hot mouth during forward injection molding from the plastic injection cylinder component. The cause of the problem may also be misalignment of the centerline. Consider these two possibilities when discovering fractures.

Dongguan Haochen Hot Runner Technology Co., Ltd
Contact Us:
mobiles: 13712972461
Tel: 0769 85478528/400 0988 117
Fax: 0769-85478508
Email: sales@zzyjg.com
Website: www.zzyjg.com
Address: No. 11 Zhenlang Road, Wusha Caiwu Industrial Second Road, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City

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