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Do you know the application of the hot runner system?

Publisher: Administrator Date: 2023-11-02

The hot runner system is a crucial component of multi cavity injection molds. On the contrary, from the perspective of mold manufacturers, hot runners may be a poorly understood mold component. In practice, the hot runner system is very messy, including various aspects such as mechanical effects, heating skills, and precision manufacturing. The successful use of the hot runner system in injection molding environments requires a specific analysis of the planning method of the injection port, the shape of the mold cavity, the resin, and the mold workers.

During the initial usage analysis process, comments should be made on the following issues:

Can injection molding be used for this part?

Is the pressure of the injection molding machine satisfactory for injection molding this part?

Is the entire injection molding process reliable?

Analysis of the use of hot runner system

The three main processes involved in usage analysis include computer-aided engineering analysis, resin testing, and planning of hot runner concepts.

1. Analysis of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)

Computer assisted engineering analysis tools, including MoldFlowTM analysis software, can be used to analyze the activity of molten plastics in mold systems. These programs are often used by mold planners to guess the injection pressure, movement path, porosity, shrinkage rate, and warpage of parts.

Perhaps in the initial stage, computer-aided analysis will be applied to mold production projects. Even the superficial analysis conducted in the initial stage may solve some important problems, such as the possibility of injection molding, production cycle timing, pressure requirements, and speculation about activity routes.

With the help of computer engineering planning software, it is easy to repeatedly simulate and demonstrate different scenarioses, which is beneficial for reducing production costs and experimental time.

The use of activity model programs for part analysis is a common practice, but the practice of adding a hot runner manifold during the analysis process is only recently presented. Modeling several shapes of the manifold melt channel will facilitate more accurate guessing. And these software programs will be very useful when balancing a mold with multiple scale cavities.

2. Resin experiment

The resin experiment is used to evalsuate the processing function of a resin configured according to a certain composition. Resin experiments can be conducted in practical applications, where only a short portion of these resins have undergone hot runner treatment or the substrate has not been treated.

The purpose of planning resin experiments is to evalsuate the process window of resin and various component combinations. The fundamental process of the experiment is as follows:

1. Comment on the injection speed and corresponding pressure to acknowledge the optimal injection timing for this experiment;

2. Establishing a temperature window for the hot runner system is beneficial for producing parts that meet the requirements;

3. Change the timing and pressure of maintenance through experiments, and recognize the baseline required for part production using Zui Jia's scale and Zui Jia's injection quality;

4. Comment on the sensitivity of resin to dwell time;

5. Optimize each mold parameter and evalsuate the total usage cycle.

In addition to standardized experimental procedures, specialized experiments can also be conducted to evalsuate special processing parameters or requirements.

After completing mold planning, resin experiments can enable customers to obtain the practical process data required before starting mold experiments, and then provide samples of molded parts.

Dongguan Haochen Hot Runner Technology Co., Ltd
Contact Us:
mobiles: 13712972461
Tel: 0769 85478528/400 0988 117
Fax: 0769-85478508
Email: sales@zzyjg.com
Website: www.zzyjg.com
Address: No. 11 Zhenlang Road, Wusha Caiwu Industrial Second Road, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City

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